My favorite eye drop is Refresh Tears Lubricant Eye drops in a bottle. It does not irritate my eyes, it provides a long lasting effect, it does not blur my vision when it is applied. It works equally well during the day and night. I buy these smaller bottle for travel, and use the larger bottles at home/work. Both small and large containers are great - they dispense the same perfect drop size every time. Whether the container is full or nearly empty the drops come out easily and always the same size. I only can guess that the container is empty by weight or when I get nothing but air bubbles :-)
Refresh Tears Drops for Sensitive eyes single use vials work very well. They have no preservatives and are better for sensitive eyes, however they are more expensive the Refresh Tears in a bottle. Each vial has 4 drops. So I feel I am wasting the money if I use it just once. It is possible to re-close the vial for a second use the same day, but only if you can place the container somewhere it will not be disturbed, since the closure is pretty loose. I use these when my eyes are particular sensitive.
Refresh Liquigel blurs my vision, and when I wake up my eyes a covered with crusty residue of the gell. I don't like it. The packaging of Liquigel looks very similar to Lubricant drops, and at least on one occasion I bought the Liquigel by mistake after I already knew it did not work well for me. I hope this warning helps someone to avoid the same mistake.
Systane lubricant drops irritate my eyes, they become hot and itchy and the eyes need almost constant lubrication. I don't understand why this happens, I don't have any allergies. I have tried this lubricant several times, because my doctor likes it and offers me samples at every visit.
GenTeal Librican Oitment blurs my vision after application, so I can only use it at night. When I wake up my eyes are crusty with the residue of the lubrication.
Genteal Lubricant Gen Aqua does not irritate my eyes, but the effect of the drop seem not to last. I need to reapply these drops much more frequently than Refresh Tears.
Murine Lubricant Drops do not irritate my eyes, but the effect of the drop seem not to last. I need to reapply these drops much more frequently than Refresh Tears.
Visine drops are very inexpensive and work well in my eyes, but my eye doctor told me not to use any lubricant that has `get the red out' in the name. He said it has extra medication to constrict blood vessels in the eye, and he said such drops should not be used for every day use.
On my last visit, my doctor suggested that I try taking 2 triple omega oil pills a day, as he found it really helps eye dryness. I was skeptical, but figured I would give it a try since fish oil has other positive effects. 2 weeks later I really began feeling a difference, my eyelids are no longer stuck to my eyes in the morning. I still use eye drops, it just does not feel as urgent when I wake up.
You can find it on Amazon by following this link.
Ali Julia review ★★★★★
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