Not ideal for wine bottles! But I have a solution that is!

So I was looking for an alternative way to store an opened bottle of a desert wine. The Whirlpool beverage and wine rack looked like something that would work well. On the positive side it fits any refrigerator that has a space between the shelve edge and the wall of the refrigerator. My refrigerator is not Whirlpool and it worked. But it had two major draw backs:
1. To accommodate large Coke bottles the width of this shelve is about 6 inches. Wine bottle is 2 inches. It was not a good fit. About half of one shelve space in height was lost for not enough benefit.
2. It is better to store an already opened bottle of wine not totally flat but with the cork slightly up to avoid any leakage.
These thoughts led me to the following solution, which I hope someone else will find useful.
I am attaching a 4 photo collage under customer photos that I will be referencing below.
1. Photos labeled #1 and #2: I used foam installation which came as packaging of one of my recent purchases (a piece that protected a monitor edge). The hard foam is about 4 inches wide and had a 2 inch slit down the middle. I made the slit slight wider at one end so it would fit the body of the bottle. As you can see in the photos its length is about half of the bottle. This allows me to rest the bottle on its side, with its neck cradled in the foam. It prevents the bottle from rolling side to side, and provides a slight elevation to the top of the bottle so that even when it is almost full the wine cannot leak out.
2. Photos labeled #3 and #4: These photos show the "wine cradle" in the refrigerator. It takes up little room, keeps the bottle steady and out of the way.
I am very pleased with this solution. It is very functional and the price is right! Hope someone else will be able to use this method for storage of wine bottles.
You can find it on Amazon by following this link.
Ali Julia review ★★★☆☆
This technique should be used for every kind of wine racks whether small, medium or large. You go in scientific way, right!