Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Product review: Maxwell Button batteries

I thought MAXELL button batteries were a great value. The price and shipping on this product seem to change but seem to always work out to be around 20 cents per battery. However there is a reason why they are such a good price! They don't last.

I bought these batteries for my old scientific calculator which requires 2 button batteries. The calculator was running on the original set of batteries for about 15 years.

I installed two batteries on July 6. Originally, I was pleased with the batteries. However, this review is written 3 month later and I am no longer happy. I use the calculator once a month for 10 minutes or less balancing my check book when I do monthly bills. On September 30 weekend I found that the calculator was dead. I always turn off the calculator, but even if I have forgotten it turns off automatically after 1 minute of non-use. The batteries lasted 3 months, total of 3 uses, under 30 minutes of total active use. Since the previous set of batteries lasted for years, I can only give these batteries 1 star.

Here is a link to this product page on Amazon as a item to avoid.

Ali Julia review ★☆☆☆☆

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