Sunday, January 27, 2019

Product review: Batiste Dry Shampoo, Beautiful Brunette

Sometimes when I running late I skip washing my hair and use dry shampoo instead.  It is a timer saver!  When I first heard about dry shampoo product description did not answer all my questions and now I know the answers.

1. I got a dry shampoo that matches my hair color. Even though I got the brunette shampoo it still left white powder when I used it. The white powder disappeared after I worked the shampoo with my finger tips and then the styling brush. You are supposed to work it in the same way as you would the wet shampoo under the shower. I did not see any powder on the vanity so there was no "dirt" I had to clean up after using the shampoo.  My hair felt different compared to the texture it has after I wash it with wet shampoo. It felt "pooffier", this was not bad just different.

2. My hairdresser told me not to use the dry shampoo more than twice a week and never two days in a row.  Dry shampoo works by soaking up the oil in your hair and scalp. Having some oil on the scalp is normal and healthy. If there is not enough oil from dry shampoo over-use the skin and hair folicles can become irritated and lead to problems.

3. I only use dry shampoo on dry hair.  If you just washed your hair, my hairdresser said,  dry it thoroughly before applying dry shampoo.  Even on clean hair the dry shampoo adds volume although this volume does not last all day.

4. I asked her if the dry shampoo can cause dandruff and she said no.  Dandruff is caused by an inflammatory reaction of the skin to the natural yeast that lives on the scalp (this is called seborrhea dermatitis) and a dry shampoo has no effect on this condition.

You can find it on Amazon by following this link.

Ali Julia review ★★★★★

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