It has the following sections:
1. Medical News Alerts
The first screen contains up-to-date medical alerts. Today's alert (June 2, 2012) is that FDA announces safety label changes to Finasteride.
2. Medical News
The latest new published today (June 2, 2012) is "Revacozumab Boosts Outcomes in Resistant Ovarian cancer"
3. Medical Reference
This section is divided into Drugs, Diseases, Procedures, Drug interactions, health phone directory (physician search, pharmacy search, hospital search), Medline.
I was able to look up my medicines and see the information about interactions. Very useful!
4. Education/Training
This section contains a lot of information, including the latest updates for various medical conditions.
The latest update is a day old from June 1, 2012 "Can Bishphonate Use Lead to Atypical Femoral Fractures?"
You have two options for perusing the information. Either by clicking on the icons on the first page for perusing most recent first, or by searching on keywords.
I published some of the titles so you can see that this is a serious medical reference aimed at practitioners in the medical field. I think it is also useful for people outside the medical profession but probably some information is going to be too "technical". But better to have too much information than too little!
This application is very large and took quite a long time to install. This app works well on my Samsung Galaxy 7.7 Tablet (my Galaxy 7.7 review) running Android HoneyComb 3.2. I had no technical problems and the app scales to my screen size very nicely.
I was very impressed with this app and recommend it.
This app is free from Amazon Android Store and
You can find it on Amazon by following this link.
Ali Julia review ★★★★★
You can find reviews of other mobile apps I use under Blog Label "Galaxy 7.7 Tablet" on the left navigation pane of the blog.
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