What fun to see the birds so up close! Surprisingly, it took birds a week to find the bird feeder. We put up two bird feeders on Sunday and for a week had no birds in them even though there were lots of birds in the back yard. Then my husband spread some seeds under the bird feeders on the ground and then a day later there were lots of birds visiting the bird feeders. I think the seeds on the ground helped them find them. We put up two bird feeders each with different seeds and the birds are flying from one to another like a bird seed buffet. Notice how in the video one bird comes in as soon as the other one leaves, it is as if they were waiting in a queue. This happens all the time.
This bird feeder is 7.25" wide, 5.5" tall, and 3.5" front to back. It is totally open on three sides, and has an oval opening on the side that is towards the window. I like that it has two rails so the birds can sit on the rails while eating or just looking around. The tray has two compartments. Perhaps one of them is meant for water, but since it is winter time and we get a lot of sub zero temperatures I am using both compartments for bird seed.
The bird feeder is held by two suction cups. They provide sufficient suction power to hold the feeder, the seeds, and the birds. The installation instruction recommend cleaning the window and rubbing the suction cups with your fingers to deposit some oil on the cups for a better hold. So far so good.
Someone asked me if the seeds get wet. I tested them after a rain - yes, they were damp. But the birds seem not to mind.
You can find it on Amazon by following this link.
Ali Julia review ★★★★★
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